Niacin Biome Mela Scissors Emulsion 

Volume: 120ml

Product Details

Improve skin barrier & triple skin tone

Helps improve yellow tone, red tone, skin brightness

  • Lucent Biome™

    Skin brightening microbiome that provides direct brightening effect to the skin

  • Lighten Spots

    Mela Scissors Enzyme™ lightens existing blemishes

  • Inhibits Spots

    High purity 99% Niacinamide deeply inhibits the formation of spots


3% Mela Scissors Enzyme™

Instant tone up

3% Mela Scissors Enzyme™

3% Lucent Biome™

Brightening & Skin barrier

3% Lucent Biome™

3% Niacinamide

Improve skin tone

3% Niacinamide


Brand Ambassadors

Yeonseo Oh

Whether on the screen or in everyday life, she constantly shines in various fields of interest.  Her unwavering and enterprising attitude has driven her to, transform herself and not being satisfied with her current status. She personifies the journey of beauty AHC advocates.

Yeonseo Oh

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